Monday, August 24, 2009


after 2 months of being at the graduate business school. is this really for me? is this really what i want? i think my life would be simpler and happier without financial accounting in a difficult level mode. i think accounting should be taught in simpler ways on how to count your money since we are non-accountants. it does help if the prof would actually teach. i should have listened to my friend to take another prof even if it's on a saturday. 

slowly, i'm learning through self-study. i am frustrated for getting low grades in quizzes and homeworks. it's not my forte. in fact, it's my weakness. but it's not an excuse. i told myself that i am taking this to challenge myself into the world where everything is new and fresh jargon. so that i can strengthen my weakness. it's a challenge indeed. 

everywhere we go there are pros and cons. and with this one, i have a realization about myself on how my brain works. well, that's every time i take a new job or career path. since i am right-brained, i realized that my left brain works through a process. i must get the feeling, experience and understanding first before i get to the analytical part. and when i'm used to that procedure, all is well. other people especially the analytical types, can get a figure or think of something logical right away. mine has to process. logical is not synonymous to rational. for analytical problems, mine has to process in a 56kb and a broadband speed in a creative, imaginative mind. but when i'm comfortable with a structure, it's all in a broadband speed. my point is i'm adjusting to this new place of uncertainty. 

if there's one thing i'm sure of is success. i should be.

1 comment:

Cindy Danganan said...

oh i love this entry. i feel this way from time to time. but no matter how many times you spell demoralized in your exam blue books and scratch papers, you just wont give up. you can spend a whole day convincing ourselves that you are quitting, but the real insanity is quitting. hurrah for grad school!

(i saw yer blog addy sa facebook hehe. -cindy d.)