Sunday, June 28, 2009

my ultimate experience

it's ultimate, not frisbee. i said to a friend but she's stiff that it's frisbee so i just said, fine. it's been a while since i had any actual sport since i'm not born sporty anyway. the farthest sport i have is an indoor gym with a treadmill, a spinning class and a sporadic sparring session with a real boxer. oh, i was once into martial arts in my senior year in high school for the fact that i don't want to be bleached under the sun in a military uniform holding a dummy rifle and being screamed at by a co-student. and i want the real shooting range. so there i was an instant aikido player. 

back to ultimate, it's like football, it's just that obviously you use your hands. you're in the field running back and forth throwing and catching discs. the objective of the game is to reach at your team's end zone to score a point. the only trick is that you can't run holding a disc just like basketball, you have to throw it right away. it's fun and really tiring. i get competitive and a perfectionist that i want to get the right form and stunts right away. but it's my first day anyway. 

my father once asked me in grade 4 if i want to learn how to play golf. i said, 'no dad because i might get dark.' i have an under-the-sun phobia by having a fear of getting a darker complexion. so i guess i'll continue ultimate as long as my color hasn't changed.