Sunday, February 22, 2009

i'm just not that into you

when the book 'he's just not that into you' came out, i borrowed one and eventually bought one after. it made me realize that most women are just so clueless. hopeless romantics who decode every thing a guy does for them means something more or a giveaway signal. i was a victim hence i'm not a cynic because after reading it, it made my whole dating perspective in a different level. when you're out there in the field, it's good to have a strategy and not fall for the traps. my end point: just have fun and don't think about what-ifs. 

i watched the all-star cast movie and i found it good. since the book is just in a q&a format categorized in a more likely topic, the movie is about the intertwining characters' dating and romantic lives. i like justin long's character, alex, having the persona of the author in the book (greg behrendt) who advices this dumbfounded girl, gigi, on her dating life with men and tells her the scenario that "he's just not that into you." it's true what alex said that "you should think like me." each characters have different ending both happy and sad just like any other person.

my advice is: think like a guy. 

"Because if he likes you, trust me, he will ask you out." - greg

i found a summarized list from from a different author/dating coaches for all you women out there:

Rules to Tell if He's Just Not That Into You!

He's not that into you if he doesn't make the first move.
He's not that into you if he doesn't answer your online ad.
He's not that into you if he doesn't call you or text you or e-mail you for a date.
He's not that into you if he doesn't ask you out by Wednesday for Saturday night.
He's not that into you if he only wants to see you during the week.
He's not that into you if he ends the date first.
He's not that into you if he asks you to split the check.
He's not that into you if he expects you to meet him half way or travel to him in a long-distance relationship.
He's not that into you if he cancels a date more than once.
He's not that into you if he doesn't ask you to be exclusive after sex and/or a couple of months.
He's not that into you if he hits on your girlfriend.
He's not that into you if he forgets your birthday.
He's not that into you if he doesn't give you a romantic gift for Valentine's Day.
He's not that into you if he skips a week.
He's not that into you if he doesn't want to meet your parents and friends.
He's not that into you if he doesn't want to spend New Year's eve with you.
He's not that into you if he doesn't take you to his office holiday party.
He's not that into you if he doesn't write "love" on cards or hold your hand at the movies.
He's not that into you if he breaks up with you.
He's not that into you if he talks about his ex.
He's not that into you if he doesn't want to have sex.
He's not that into you if he doesn't propose.
He's not that into you if he proposes but won't set a wedding date.
He's not that into you if he wants to vacation separately or spend a lot of time apart.
He's not that into you if he's married to someone else!

okay, just to be fair for the men. i'm guilty with most of these on how to tell if she's just not that into you. from

9 Signs She's Not That Into You

1. She says she's not ready for a relationship 
2. You're always the one calling her and/or she doesn't return your phone calls
3. She avoids eye contact and physical proximity
4. She mentions other guys she finds attractive
5. She tries to set you up with another woman
6. She doesn't laugh at your jokes
7. She is always vague about making plans
8. She regularly cancels plans with you
9. Her description of the perfect man sounds nothing like you

but at the end of the day, these are all just signs. 


Pepper said...

Hi there Queen J!! I enjoyed reading your blog. It's a nice thing that we read the book and watched the movie. And finally, I realize how dumb-founded I was. That's why I always laugh at Ginni's character coz I did some in the past. But mistakes are mistakes, I can only look back on those days and laugh and promise not to do it again and be smarter next time (if there's a next Nice hangin out with u Queen J.. till next time..

j said...

it's always a pleasure dear. yes we learn and we get smart. hehehe thanks for letting me borrow the book!!! til next time for sure; :)

Anonymous said...

Hail queen J! Kudos to your blog writing escapades, I must admit I've been quite a fan and this has nothing to do with us knowing each other personally..Hehe. You write well, and this entry is my fave so far. Needless to say, it would helpe me a lot to know about these things. God bless and keep me posted ok?

j said...

thanks super maan! i recommend you to read the book! God bless you too! xoxo :)