Friday, February 20, 2009

guy's girl

according to, a guy's girl simply means..

That great girl who can just chill and be 'one of the guys'. She's into sports, beer, action flicks and doesn't give a damn what others think. However, unlike the tomboy, she has her gang of girl mates who she shops with and does girly stuff. When attractive, this girl is mysterious and elusive. Acts aloof and gives off the 'cool girl' aura, like she's very aware of both guys' and girls' worlds.

i never knew that there is such a term as this until recently. for sports, i love to do swimming, running, biking and boxing. i did try martial arts, football, baseball, volleyball and basketball.  i just don't understand nba unless maybe i'm an expectator at the court and would actually watch it. i'm allergic to beer so i take hard drinks instead i.e. vodka or tequila. i super love action flicks and yeah i don't give a s**t to what other people think of me.

it's just that growing up and hanging out with my brother was fun. we would fight over computer games and gameboy since there was no playstation yet. we'd play streetfighter, x-men and the like. we both liked dragonball, sailormoon then later the animes. my dad was my action flick buddy from james bond movies, godfather series to whatever hollywood film that spent millions of dollars for the exploding effect and the luxury cars that were crushed. when i was in school i was 'one of the boys' and it's totally fine because i wasn't a trashy girl. but that's the thing, i'm very girly too that the words fashion, shopping, pink, floral, pretty, sexy, salon, spa, arts are very dear to me. 

yes i like to have fun with the company of the boys and the girls. not just them but the gay guys too coz they're really sweet, funny and lovable. it's just cool to be a guy's girl.

i regret not to buy you. i'll come find you again.

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